Saturday, September 12, 2015

Tim Cook of Apple

Apple's Tim Cook looks ok. He walks well. Do we like how he speaks or expresses himself? No.

Apple's Special Event of 2015 is poorly recorded. The lips do no match the sound. There is distortion. It is funny that Apple, as a technology company, is allowing this. We are talking of about Apple's September 9 special event where Tim Cook, in lieu of Steve Jobs introduces Apple's iPhone 6S and 6S Plus.

Watching Casanova on RCE we again noted the problem of lips not matching the sound. We wonder what Tim Cook's native language is. One of the best writers in English, in our estimation, was Nabakov, and English was not his first language. Pascal? ...

There is something to live events, and yet the sound - in music - does not always justify the expense.
Take Roger Waters Amused to Death tour of 2015 or take The Wall.

Over 80 trucks took his tour through North America and the video equipment to display a lower-than-comic-book presentation - and ridiculous musical presentation, was staggering. That the cost was as low as $59M is staggering, and likely accounted for by rent.

You can say what you want but Tim Cook does not present well. He only get's excited and confident...

Apple's computer's experience something called the White Flash. It is better than the blue screen of death (Windows) in that the reboot instantaneous. It does take a long time, after. We experienced one just now, writing this article.

In this tour, on a venue such as GM Place, the sound was tyrannically, ridiculously bad, at best. That you could have better sound at home with a Sony TA-E2000ESD Preamplifier, Sony SCD-C79ES CD Player, Rotel RB-980BX Amplifier and pair of PSB Stratus Gold Loudspeakers is stunning.

This is the secret of High Fi. Apple's technique is to produce objects that are reasonably attractive.

Our main problem with Tim is that with Steve, you had the feeling something was going to happen. With Tim, you feel that nothing is.

JP 2015/09/12

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