Thursday, December 31, 2015

Toro, Toro, Toro ...

JP 2015/12/31

Toro, Toro, Toro

JP 2015/12/31

A Clockwork Orange: The Dell U3014 Review


Our subscription comes to One-Million-USD-Per-Year ($1,000,000.00 USD) which is an outlier on the stereo system exchange budget, though OK.

If you factor in CD replacement cost [link]You may find you enjoy another publication. The Absolute Sound is fantastic. Tone Audio is adept. We like ours, but oh well.

 Say, er, Stereophile. That's rather less expensive, though more difficult to operate.


Now your subscription (fundraising, 3.6%) goes directly to our gear replacement so your $1,000,000.00 USD annual expenditure (that of a single subscriber) will then in course allow us to venture $3,000 USD a month on stereo gear.

A. Of course your hedge fund manager (should you not be one) will take 5% of deposits and 20% of profit - though 3.6% is a rather high rate.

Your bank manager, maybe a little less.

We know you would find 2-3% more acceptable, in terms of our margin, but for simplicity we've taken US and Canadian currency at par in this 3.6% too allow for a tidy $3,000.00 CDN / month, though still subject to Canadian taxation.

That's about it for us.

B. Note: No Double Dutch (Double Irish with a Dutch Sandwich) then - our models are Fillipinas - in terms of taxation - we are actually a purchasing service - but Double Dutch in terms of our date. You give us money to buy stereo gear (a resplendid service) for you - how Christmas - and we adjust a 2-3% margin to allow for our magazine.

That's about it for our annual subscription.



+ Our main purpose is to foster the culture of the stereo buying industry. We assume that if you have 12 (ten) Murchialagos then you may enjoy a new stereo a little more.

Our joy is to see your joy taking a new stereo (or stereos) component each and every month. That's one little amp or CD or pre-amp. Not at the $5,000.00 USD level. Out with the old, in with the new.

Please excuse this last bit of writing. Paragraphs A/B. Paragraph a. You wouldn't of course be using an investment (hedge fund or otherwise) manager to manage your money if you were a subscriber. You would be running your own industry. This was just a bit of writing. Paragraph b. This was just a bit of writing, also, but there was so much pleasure in thinking of the double meaning of double dutch as both a taxation arrangement and a stereo stream (although the term was Double Irish with a Dutch Sandwhich in terms of income, we misthought the term was Double Dutch just prior to writing) (and of course taking a percentage of another's money on a date to purchase an item (say a subscription) is not gregarious, more like an income manager, it is actually lowly and small.

With your subscription you will be getting new gear at a new gear level.

Sennheiser RS175 Headphone System

Good design is well exemplified in the Sennheiser RS175 Headphone System. It's a surprise (and a pleasure) to see a well-designed head-fi product.

We like the bunching, a bit more lip or labial like than the Sony MDR-V6 Headphone ($ ) ear-pad.

You'll find people like ourselves would like to purchase such a system, but wouldn't for realization o what is there. Technology. The headphones are in-expensive ( ) and are going to eventually fail.

What a beautiful, beautiful design. We only don't like the headphones (not the headband, nor the ear pad), but are a bit reminiscent of V-Moda.

JP 2015/12/31

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Fazzioli F212 Gold Leaf Piano Review

Paolo Fazioli Piano 24k Gold Leaf

Product: Fazzioli F212 Gold Leaf Piano
Price: $535,000.00 CDN (original: $425,000.00 CDN)
Value: 0.74766 / 100 ($4,000.00 CDN)

The Fazioli F212 Gold Leaf Piano ($535,000.00 CDN / $ USD) emits glorious tone. We appraise it's value at $4,000.00 CDN.

JP 2015/12/30

Maybach Monarch I Fashion Eyewear Review

The Maybach Monarch I Fashion Eyewear ($2,5000.00 USD or abouts) is the perfect introduction to loudspeakers.

A proper pair will set you back $25,000.00 USD (Gold, 18K) though the fashion model will serve for illustration (24K).

They have a thin veneer as exemplified in loudspeakers

We picked model G-WA-Z02. The gold inlay looks cheap and rather what you would see on a letter card. The plating on the front and the side is fine although the hinge will exhibit wear which is inappropriate.

Of particular interest is the repetitive imprinting of MAYBACH which will look better on solid hardware.

The base metal is Titanium and the lenses are rather fine.

They have a bit of a purplish tinge, reflectively to them which is reminiscent of the Cartier inners (look on the inside of Cartier Eyeglasses and you will see this lens effect).

You will find with this model (though we found with the Maybach Emperor I ($2,500.00 USD) in similar (same) finish) that the inside reacts to your skin with walking (sweat), leading to some wear. Maybach will be able to re-finish your wood (venner) sides for about $1,000.00 USD per pair.

The benefit of purchasing a pair of eyeglasses to examine loudspeakers is that the shipping weight is small. You will be able to see the features (curved wood sides, metal plate and finish) up close for relatively cheap price.

Should you be in the luxury market, Kharma will finish your loudspeakers in Gold and Diamond. Exotic skins are available which are a fine benefit for the auteur collector.

JP 2015/12/30

Headphone Review

JP 2015/12/30

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

InkCase i6

President Barak Obama knows a good headphone (and a Jorg Gray watch, for that matter), and we know more than a few iPhone users who would like to slip this one next to your pocket.

President Barak Obama spent $470,000.00 USD every day he was on vacation. This puts him in-line with Dominic Strauss Khan (x100) and Paul Kagame (x10, likely x1).

That's quite an accomplishment. Every a $1,000,000.00 USD / day earner would unlikely spend $470K/day.

Glen Beck.

It's a sore fact that your government wields unlimited funding and law (war) against you.

We think for his core gift, he let his security have some wild times (deserved). You may have another morality.

We have no case against him, but he does have a nice army of lawyers. In fact, his Imperial Presidency (our term, Imp) would have no basis in absolution without this "resident evil." (We're saying that a re-definition of the law, reality and the constitution would not be possible otherwise without this fraüt (well, fraud)).

The case is cheap and bitch white plastic. You wouldn't put it next to your iPhone, and you still have your iPhone 6 (and 6S)'s poor curves to contend with.

We're talking of the Phone, not the Man.

Now, with the abandonment of the iPhone 4 (and 4S)'s back glass case, it's nice to see Inkcase to the savior, trying to make the iPhone once again an attractive item.

JP 2015/12/29

Accuphase DP-90 CD Transport & DC-91 D/A Processor Review

Accuracy of phase is a wonderful concept.

JP 2015/12/29

Audio Note CDT One / II CD Transport & DAC 2.1x Signature D/A Processor Review

You'll notice this Christmas, rather than posting  a list of gift ideas, we posted a Record for Curls (440 lbs), 1985.

You could call this one "Use it or Loose It."

Let's assume the reviewer has a CD collection of 4000. How often does buy CD's? One a day? One an hour (download)?

Five (5) or Four (4) a day? Four to five hours of listening, per day. That's a relaxed day.

Art Dudley, in his Stereophile review of the Audio Note CDT One / II CD Transport and DAC 2.1x Signature DA Processor ($4,100.00 USD, $5,500.00 USD) mentions his setting aside $10.00 USD every time he purchased a Compact Disk (CD).

When one sees this Audio Note CDT One / II CD Transport ($4,100.00 USD) one wonders "Ah, is that the cheap (over-priced) UK Audio Note, or is it Audio Note, Japan?" (ED)

So is that CD Player replacement cost budget $3,650.00 USD / year (1-per-day), $87,600.00 USD / year (typical, 1-per-hour), more $18,250.00 USD / year - $14,600.00 USD / year (on a 5-er day, 4-er day beer basement contact).

One imagines a full stereo system with a CD, Pre-Amp, Amp, Speakers, and Cable and Associated Equipment.

Annual replacement cost (budget) then would (if all are being equal)

Inside, one wonders "Oh. Look how they're over-priced. They've taken a cheap CD transport and put it in a big case. Those transformers sure are beautiful, though. Someone will wonder if they're well-wound. The board is well spaced."

Then, looking back at the case: "Oh. How cheap. An out of date computer.'

be then
  • $18,250.00 USD (1-per-day)
  • $438,000.00 USD (typical, 1-per-hour)
  • $91,250.00 USD (enjoyable, 5-er day)
  • $73,000.00 USD (enjoyable, 4-er day)
We're assuming $10.00 USD / CD (Apple Download, factor in inflation).

But at the DAC ($5,500.00 USD) "At least that is something. Why didn't they stuff it into the transport?"


JP 2015/12/29

Harbreth 40.2 Loudspeaker Review
Harbreth 40.2 Loudspeaker ($14,990.00 USD)

Fifteen Thousand is not a lot for a loudspeaker. At Costco, you could get a $20,000.00 bottle of Macellan 60-year old scotch for $17,000.00 not too long ago.

We've compared the Harbeth Super HL 5 Loudspeaker (in loudspeakers) to beer, before.

That a $6,890.00 USD perception.
Harbreth 40.2 Loudspeaker ($15,990.00 USD)

To be fair, the Harbeth 40.2 Loudspeaker ($14,990.00 USD, $15,990.00 USD Rosewood / Eucalyptus / Tiger Ebony) is best compared to a bottle of scotch.

If you look at it as a purchase investment, you're going to see flaws.

But, in the mindset of Bob Harris in "Lost in Translation," sitting at the hotel bar without access to Sophia Coppola.

That is a man without choices, lost in a world of visions.

Once in such a mindset, you may enjoy purchasing such trifles.

JP 2015/12/29

Wednesday, December 16, 2015


Arm Curls 440 lbs 1985

JP 2015/12/16


Here's a very nice convenient image collaterally similar to an electronics manufacture in the process of creating high venture (Hi Fi) equipment.

It's the AeRIUS X2 bitcoin mining server at

We particularly like this assessment as it's remarkably similar to both the amplifier mounting arrangement of Jean Yves Higga (JYH) and dare we say it the assembly setup at Solution.

JP 2015/12/16

Magico S1 Loudspeaker Review

Rwandan president's £12,000–a–night hotel
Paul Kagame, President and Chairman of Rawanda Hotel

50 is a good number of push-ups and 32 is a great number of Olympic Style Lifts.

The Magico S1 ($16,500.00 USD, $20,295.00 USD in coat) Loudspeaker offers a frequency response of 32 Hz to 50,000 (50 K) Hz.

Is $16,500.00 enough for sex for one?

It cost Paul Kagame $20K ($20,664.50) USD to stay at New York City's Mandarian Oriental Hotel.

We don't know how much Dominic Strauss-Khan (DSK) spend on the 32-year old Nafissatou Diallo, maid, but his room came to a more available $3,000.00 USD (@the Sofitel).

A pair of Pear Anjou, which James Randy debukes so much, speaker cables (3 ft) comes in at $2,750.00 USD / pair.

That's about what one might pay for a pair of speaker cables for the Magico S1 ($16,500.00 USD, $20,295.00 in clear coat).

JP 2015/12/16

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Le Grande Fromage / The Big Cheese

This year our Grande Fromage / The Big Cheese award goes to the winning combo of Bryston (BHA-1 Balanced Headphone Amplifier) and Aedle (for the VK-1 Valkrye).

Together they're sort of the system Prince Charles (good ears) would buy.

We would of bought the Bryston, as it looks like something, and it would look important in a review, but it is terribly performing and isn't in fact balanced.

Now the Cardas are a great cable.

Headphone enthusiasts would love it. They care about getting value. Getting a Hi Fi Bryston for $1,395.00 USD (or $2,000.00 CDN) is important to them. They would consider it a pre-amp and very good value.

George Cardas is a very good guy.

We would of bought it, but didn't, because the salesman told us about the power supply option. We were utterly bored. Had never been so in our life. And we love to shop. Earlier he had tried to sell us a Cardas power cable ( ) or a Reference Headphone Cable for our Stax. We told him we already had one.  There's no surer way to turn of a customer who has come in to buy than to try to sell them an add-on. He's a fan of Nordst.

Now Nordst is fantastic. A very flat cable, perfect for installers. It could go under the carpet. Even out, it looks great.

But what about those wooden boxes? They cheapen the product but are there to make it look expensive.

It's different with speakers. Earlier we had told our friend to add a Gold Box on the back of his Fidelity Acoustics speakers. Enthusiasts like that. For the model number and serial number in nice black print. Nice, tidy in bold. Like Tannoy.

We had went to Headphone Bar and wanted to finally pick up two Aedle VK-1 Valkrye's (in Black and Tan) but the owner hadn't yet sold us his Furman Power Bars (as agreed).

In business, it's good to serve the customer.

JP 2015/12/15

A Very Good Desk

“There was a lot to do in getting everything [at Lucasfilm] organized,” says Kennedy, photographed in 2013 in her Santa Monica office, of the past three years. “So every phase of this has been pretty constant.”

You wouldn't say any of these items are good (or pretty...), in and of themselves, but it is intellectually fetching to have a collection of placed objects which bring you evocative reminisces of general concepts.

Image couresy of Kathy Kennedy (Lucasfilm)

We can all fondly remember Star Wars (IV) for it's general oversight.

JP 2015/12/15


Wanting ... in bed, we purchased the MacPro 15" ($ USD, actually $ CDN). It was a bit thick, and who would want the two side ports (looks ugly). Actually, for programming you want a 17", minimum.

The HP Envy - 17t Laptop ($1,699.99 USD) looks sort of ok, and is reasonably spec'd, but has shit-ass ( ) resolution.

Could you make $17T on it?

JP 2015/12/15

The Importantace of Moog


After reviewing the music of Tangerine Dream, we realize that Chris Ball would like a Moog SUB 37 for Christmas.

System: Moog Sub 37 Tribute Edition ($1,579.00 USD)
Woo Audio WA234 Monoblock Headphone ($15,900.00 USD)
And what for headphones? Jecklin Float? No, too old.
Stax SR-Sigma Electrostatic? No, not compatible.
HiFiMan HE 1000 Headphones ($2,999.00 USD).

For the HiFiMan HE 1000 you must form something of a Headphone Skirt, at the bottom for imaging.

Construct initially using two guitar - mini - stands.
System: $20,537.98 USD - Canadian TB…


JP 2015/12/15

Speakers You'll Want

  • Carver Amazing Platinum Mk IV Loudspeaker ($ USD)

This may be a bit big for most homes.

  • Bowers & Wilkins Matrix 801 Series III Loudspeaker

You'll want a Krell Bass Alignment (Equilizer) Filter ($ USD).
You'll most certainly want Sound Anchor Matrix (801) Stands ($ USD)

  • Bowers & Wilkins Matrix 800 Loudspeaker ($ USD)

Should you like the Triangle looks and want more of the Matrix 801 ... in a taudy package.

  • Bowers & Wilkins Matrix 805 Speakers

These will be a good lasting substitute ... for Matrix 801 Loudspeakers

  • Bowers & Wilkins FCM 8 / PCM 8 THX Loudspeakers


Should you like the Triangle looks, you'll want these plus the Bowers & Wilkins Matrix 800 Loudspeakers.

  • NHT 3.3 Loudspeaker
($ USD)

The speaker that introduced the world ta bass. Forget the Super 0.

  • Miller & Kreissel MK S-150 THX Loudspeaker, MX-5000 Subwoofer (x2)

  • M&K S1B Loudspeaker ($ USD)

Classic Stand-Mount Loudspeakers.

  • Duntech Sovereign 2001 Loudspeaker
($ USD)

No collection would be complete without the Duntech Sovereign 2001 Loudspeaker.

Apogee Acoustics Grand Loudspeaker ($ USD)

Sony SS-R10 Loudspeaker ($ JPY / $ USD)

Sony SS-R10, image 1

Sony SS-M9ED (SS-M1ED Japan) ($ USD)

Sony SS-M9ED, image 1

Apogee Acoustics Synergy ($ USD)

Frequency response, full range - 20hz-25+khz
Size - 1.5m high, 0.45m deep, 0.9m width
Efficiency - 95 db/w
Impedance - 2.5 Ohms
Drive units -  lightweight planar bass, coalescent midrange and dual tweeters
Crossover - Outboard 6bB/Octave
Optional active connection (requires tri-amp)


JP 2015/12/15

Monday, December 14, 2015

Recording of the Century

We went three times to a little Jazz-E place, Rossini's to hear this man play.

Likewise, we went three times to Commercial-E (Commercial Electronics) to hear the Grand Uptopia E.


Sometimes good things can come at low prices.

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Cerwin Vega TS-42 Folded Horn Bass System Subwoofer Review

JP 2015/12/13

T+A Criterion TCD 315 S Loudspeaker Review
Say you are a fan of the Magico S5 Loudspeaker ($ USD) house sound. Then the T+A Criterion TCD 315 S Loudspeaker ($6,875.00 CDN - $9,375.00 CDN USD) should appeal to you. It's got the best of Wilson Gloss (that is, a number of finishes) with a Homage (grill) to the famous lush Sonus Faber house appeal.

Now that said, there is something Cerwin Vega to it (is that a bad thing) in reference to the famed Cerwin Vega CLS-215 Loudspeaker ($999.00 USD / pair) - a very good sounding product. Both have a similar house appeal.

Now, one you can imagine playing in a disco restaurant and one you can imagine playing with a Nord Stage at home.

We'll let you imagine (which is which).

JP 2015/12/13

Friday, December 11, 2015

Christmas in Canada

Admittedly, it's interiors remind us so much of the Nutborne Pumping Station, and it's only the dressing room we love, but it's interiors have so much Hi Fi potential.

Eastern Canada, you'll find (just like the Anarondaks) has so much real estate potential, compared to the bare west.