Tuesday, December 29, 2015

InkCase i6

President Barak Obama knows a good headphone (and a Jorg Gray watch, for that matter), and we know more than a few iPhone users who would like to slip this one next to your pocket.

President Barak Obama spent $470,000.00 USD every day he was on vacation. This puts him in-line with Dominic Strauss Khan (x100) and Paul Kagame (x10, likely x1).

That's quite an accomplishment. Every a $1,000,000.00 USD / day earner would unlikely spend $470K/day.

Glen Beck.

It's a sore fact that your government wields unlimited funding and law (war) against you.

We think for his core gift, he let his security have some wild times (deserved). You may have another morality.

We have no case against him, but he does have a nice army of lawyers. In fact, his Imperial Presidency (our term, Imp) would have no basis in absolution without this "resident evil." (We're saying that a re-definition of the law, reality and the constitution would not be possible otherwise without this fraΓΌt (well, fraud)).

The case is cheap and bitch white plastic. You wouldn't put it next to your iPhone, and you still have your iPhone 6 (and 6S)'s poor curves to contend with.

We're talking of the Phone, not the Man.

Now, with the abandonment of the iPhone 4 (and 4S)'s back glass case, it's nice to see Inkcase to the savior, trying to make the iPhone once again an attractive item.

JP 2015/12/29

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