Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Audio Note CDT One / II CD Transport & DAC 2.1x Signature D/A Processor Review

You'll notice this Christmas, rather than posting  a list of gift ideas, we posted a Record for Curls (440 lbs), 1985.

You could call this one "Use it or Loose It."

Let's assume the reviewer has a CD collection of 4000. How often does buy CD's? One a day? One an hour (download)?

Five (5) or Four (4) a day? Four to five hours of listening, per day. That's a relaxed day.

Art Dudley, in his Stereophile review of the Audio Note CDT One / II CD Transport and DAC 2.1x Signature DA Processor ($4,100.00 USD, $5,500.00 USD) mentions his setting aside $10.00 USD every time he purchased a Compact Disk (CD).

When one sees this Audio Note CDT One / II CD Transport ($4,100.00 USD) one wonders "Ah, is that the cheap (over-priced) UK Audio Note, or is it Audio Note, Japan?" (ED)

So is that CD Player replacement cost budget $3,650.00 USD / year (1-per-day), $87,600.00 USD / year (typical, 1-per-hour), more $18,250.00 USD / year - $14,600.00 USD / year (on a 5-er day, 4-er day beer basement contact).

One imagines a full stereo system with a CD, Pre-Amp, Amp, Speakers, and Cable and Associated Equipment.

Annual replacement cost (budget) then would (if all are being equal)

Inside, one wonders "Oh. Look how they're over-priced. They've taken a cheap CD transport and put it in a big case. Those transformers sure are beautiful, though. Someone will wonder if they're well-wound. The board is well spaced."

Then, looking back at the case: "Oh. How cheap. An out of date computer.'

be then
  • $18,250.00 USD (1-per-day)
  • $438,000.00 USD (typical, 1-per-hour)
  • $91,250.00 USD (enjoyable, 5-er day)
  • $73,000.00 USD (enjoyable, 4-er day)
We're assuming $10.00 USD / CD (Apple Download, factor in inflation).

But at the DAC ($5,500.00 USD) "At least that is something. Why didn't they stuff it into the transport?"


JP 2015/12/29

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