Friday, September 4, 2015


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Unless you are a Ultra High Net Worth (UHNW, $1.2B and over) individual or a Tart Aficionado (TA, $1.2M+), it is likely that your accountant will not let you subscribe to our magazine.

Let us look at this elements individually.


Price: $1,000,000.00 USD / year
Coopers: We would wish that you at least spend $15,000.00 USD / pair on your shoe attire prior to considering a subscription.

Your $1,000,000.00 USD / year subscription works out to around $80,000.00 mont, or about one amplifier or other stereo component, which you will be receiving tailored to your subscription.

In this vein, let us present to you our pwc system, a modest, down-to-the-numbers solution.

PWC System

Magico M5 Loudspeaker
Korg M2000R DSD Rercorder
Furman Power Conditioner
DPA Microphones

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JP 2015/08/04

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