Saturday, September 5, 2015

Apollo and the Muses

The Apollo Moon Landing used a Command Module Computer (CMC) designed by MIT and manufactured by Raytheon as well Apollo Guidance Computer (AGC) running a RTOS (Real Time Operating System) having 64  Kb of memory and a speed of 0.043MHz.

The later was known to have crashed (well, produced an error) at least once, the "1202."

In addition to the on-board technology, a single IBM System/360 Model 75 was used by NASA to calculate the basic trajectory. The programs developed (by some 3,500 employees) consisted of 6 MB of code. Compare this to the size of your Facebook app.


Calliope Epic poetry Writing tablet
Clio History Scrolls
Euterpe Music, Song, and Elegiac Poetry Aulos (an ancient Greek musical instrument like a flute)
Erato Lyric poetry Cithara (an ancient Greek musical instrument in the lyre family)
Melpomene Tragedy Tragic mask
Polyhymnia Hymns Veil
Terpsichore Dance Lyre
Thalia Comedy Comic mask
Urania Astronomy Globe and compass

JP 2015/09/12

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