Monday, August 11, 2014

Parasound JC3+

Parasound JC 3+ Phono Preamp

We like the Parasound JC3+. It's got a nice rear-panel. A bit like the Acoustic System International components by Frank Tchang, but partly indented. We have a couple of components designed by John Curl, and a "Mark Levinson" Proceed PRE.

The mounting screws on the JC3+ are a bit poor in design - a bit like our Nohj aka Marantz CD-38, aka Ah Tojeb! Overall, it's a bit reminiscent of the Sony TA-N220 vs the ES line in component design.

We like John Curl. We like Curling, too. Not only is it a great Canadian sport, but also, it's a nice thing to do, while seated. Start with 5lbs, and work up to 500. You'll soon be lifting monster amplifiers like the effervescent John Curl-1 (JC-1) at 60 lbs by Parasound Corporation.

They don't call the range Halo for nothing.

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