Sunday, August 10, 2014

Business of Music - Dr. Dre

Let's talk about the Bon Marché. It's a pretty simple operation. Easy to understand. How about the Business of Music? Is it any more complex?

Sens 1
 Qui existe au moment présent, au moment où on l'évoque. Synonyme présent Anglais topical
Sens 2 Qui est contemporain, existe dans notre époque. Synonyme moderne Anglais present
Sens 3 Qui est effectif, par opposition à virtuel [Philosophie]. Synonyme effectif

Not complex like Plaza Dejardins, but complex in an actuel sense.

actuel, adjectif
Féminin elle. 

Should you be designing an Audio Salon, why not take Le Bon Marché in context, as a model. It isn't fancy like the Galleries Lafayette. It's rather plain like you'll see in any Mid-East department store. Place some Shuynyata Cobra Venom cables on the stands instead of shoes, and you'll be in-stead.

Not to be a ham, but the design of a pleasant commercial layout designed for fun impulse purchasing and a pattern of behavior which helps the store is rather opposite that of a specialist salesman driven / hesitant shopper madden floor.

One doesn't have to be a John Madden, we're saying, to enjoy the touchdown feeling of catching a score.
For a look into the Business of Music (BOM n'est Bon), check out "The Bahhama Hustle", featuring Dr. Dre.

Andre Romelle Young

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