Friday, August 8, 2014

High Fi


adjective: high; comparative adjective: higher; superlative adjective: highest
  1. 1.
    of great vertical extent.
    "the top of a high mountain"
    synonyms:tall, lofty, towering, soaring, elevated, giant, big; More
    "a high mountain"
    antonyms:short, low
    • (after a measurement and in questions) measuring a specified distance from top to bottom.
      "a tree forty feet high"
    • far above ground, sea level, or another point of reference.
      "a fortress high up on a hill"
    • extending above the normal or average level.
      "a round face with a high forehead"
    • (of territory or landscape) inland and well above sea level.
      "high prairies"
    • near to the top of a real or notional list in order of rank or importance.
      "financial security is high on your list of priorities"
      antonyms:low-ranking, lowly
    • performed at, to, or from a considerable height.
      "high diving"
    • Baseball
      (of a pitched ball) above a certain level, such as the batter's armpits, as it crosses home plate, and thus outside the strike zone.
  2. 2.
    great, or greater than normal, in quantity, size, or intensity.
    "a high temperature"
    antonyms:reasonable, low, light, calm
    • of large numerical or monetary value.
      "they had been playing for high stakes"
    • very favorable.
      "nature had provided him with an admirably high opinion of himself"
      synonyms:favorable, good, positive, approving, admiring, complimentary, commendatory, flattering, glowing, adulatory, rapturous More
      "I have a high opinion of you"
    • extreme in religious or political views.
      "the high Christology of the Christian creeds"
    • (of a period or movement) at its peak.
      "high summer"
    • (of latitude) close to 90°; near the North or South Pole.
      "high southern latitudes"
  3. 3.
    great in rank or status.
    "he held high office in professional organizations"
  4. 4.
    (of a sound or note) having a frequency at the upper end of the auditory range.
    "a high, squeaky voice"
    synonyms:high-pitched, high-frequency; More
    antonyms:low, low-pitched, deep
    • (of a singer or instrument) producing notes of relatively high pitch.
      "a high soprano voice"
  5. 5.
    excited; euphoric.
    "he was high on an idea"
    synonyms:intoxicated, inebriated, drugged, on drugs, stupefied, befuddled, delirious, hallucinating; More
    informalstoned, wired, blitzed, baked, hopped up, high as a kite, tripping, hyped up, doped up, coked, spaced out, wasted, wrecked
    "they were high before they even got to the party"
    antonyms:sober, straight
    • intoxicated with drugs.
      "some of them were already high on alcohol and Ecstasy"
  6. 6.
    unpleasantly strong-smelling, in particular (of food) beginning to go bad.
    • (of game) slightly decomposed and so ready to cook.
  7. 7.
    (of a vowel) produced with the tongue relatively near the palate.
noun: high; plural noun: highs
  1. 1.
    a high point, level, or figure.
    "commodity prices were at a rare high"
    synonyms:high level, high point, peak, high-water mark; More
    "prices were at a rare high"
    • a notably happy or successful moment.
      "the highs and lows of life"
    • a high-frequency sound or musical note.
    • an area of high atmospheric pressure; an anticyclone.
  2. 2.
    a state of high spirits or euphoria.
    "the highs I got from cocaine always ended in despair"
    synonyms:ecstatic, euphoric, exhilarated, delirious, elated, ebullient, thrilled, overjoyed, beside oneself, walking on air, on cloud nine, in seventh heaven, jumping for joy, in raptures, in high spirits, exultant, jubilant; More
    excited, overexcited;
    informalblissed out, over the moon, on top of the world
    "she was obviously on a high after Joey proposed"
  3. 3.
    North Americaninformal
    high school (chiefly used in names).
    "I enjoyed my years at McKinley High"
  4. 4.
    a high power setting.
    "the vent blower was on high"
    • top gear in a motor vehicle.
adverb: high; comparative adverb: higher; superlative adverb: highest
  1. 1.
    at or to a considerable or specified height.
    "the sculpture stood about five feet high"
    synonyms:at great height, high up, far up, way up, at altitude; More
    in the air, in the sky, on high, aloft, overhead
    "a jet flew high overhead"
  2. 2.
    "he ranked high among the pioneers of twentieth-century chemical technology"

    Character  fi 
    Codepoint U+FB01



    f + i — in many fonts, the ascender of the letter f reaches so far rightward that it overlaps the tittle of the following i


    1. A ligature from the letters f and i.

    Related terms

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