Friday, August 8, 2014


Most Expensive Vintage Car in the World (5)
Mercedes-Benz W196

What does $30M in Hi Fi get you? John Paulson could do it.

That's the average net worth in a second-rated community like Alpine today or 1/2 of Fisher Islands, $60M. We should be talking about Fisher, but we talk about Alpine because of it's affiliation to car stereo - not many will go $40M in for high fidelity.

When we talked about high fidelity, we talked about the ___ as an example of Hi Fi Art, but did not talk about it as an example of high fidelity. John Cusack would be more serious. With a net worth of $20M, we imagine he could go $8M, high-in.

John Cusack Cannes 2014.jpg
John Cusack, $20M.

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