Monday, August 18, 2014


When in the construction industry, it's important to be accurate with your tonnes.

It's interesting why those looking for a lower-priced speaker (namely we), consider options other than the B&W 802/800 Diamond, or the Martin Logan Summit X, at $15,000 / $24,000 / pair or $15,000 USD / pair, respectively.

Or, if we to increase the range, slightly, considering the Focal Scala Utopia 2 at $35,000 / pair.

These prices ($15,000, $24,000, $35,000) aren't out of line compared to factory options for Mercedes, Porsche, or BMW, so non hi-fi enthusiasts can relate to the price-value relationship.

Likely the Acuton drive units have something to do with this. Higher-end speakers by Tidal, Marten and even Kharma International, use Acuton drive-units, prominently.

Does the quite lovely Estelon.

Acuton makes some of the best drivers in the hi-fi industry.

We'd like to see B&W step up to using Acuton diamond mid-range in their high-end, and consider replacing their Kevlar mid-range with an Acuton ceramic mid.

Companies like Tidal and Kharma use Acuton drivers, prominently. Those looking to find luxury hi-fi can add these monikers to the rank of Goldmund, selectively. (Marten).

In the industry, perhaps the most interesting using of Acuton drivers, is the Estelon.

At the hobbyist level, two interesting manufactures which employ Acuton drive units are Salk Signature Sound Systems, and

Jim Salk, Founder of Salk Signature Sound

Photo: Jim Salk of Salk Signature Sound Systems, Salk Soundscape 8, Pepperwood Burl, Background, $7995 USD. Barcelona Couch by Miles Van Der Rohe, Volo Black, Foreground, $10,221 USD.

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