Sunday, January 19, 2014

Naim Statement

Naim Audio has always been known for it's punch, slap and delivery. It gets your toe tapping, head nodding, and face smiling in agreement.

Naim Statement - Front View
Naim Statement -Amp - Side View

Dynaudio Arbiter Preamplifier - Rear View

The Naim Statement is the first product from Naim that we feel inspires a hope of ownership amoung the faithful, in that it is a good product, affably priced, and, both interesting in design and execution.

Why do we like? In looks it reminds us of the Steinway Model D head unit, only less pretentious. We're the Model D hi-fi our product, we'd prefer a art-gallery case design, which shows less, but reveals.

Rather than the vertical bisection of the Model D head unit, the Naim Statement offers a refreshing tri-section, and futher horizontal bi-section of generous seeming proportion.

What a refreshing design. Let's call it the Trio.

We do not like that the volume control is depressed (inset), however this simple statement says how much we like the Naim unit.

The tri-section neatly separates the left from the right channel, and promptly and properly places the pre-amp section in between.

Likely, the horizontal bi-section component-led lighted, rightly demarcates the transition product electronics to power-supply.

In some respects, the Statement by Naim feels like a "me-too" take on the Dynaudio's Arbiter from an aesthetic and visceral sense, but the time has surreptitiously come for Naim to make a name for itself, with the market in ne-pas ultra hi-fi.

We'd very much like to review the Naim Statement, and compare it with the DYNAUDIO Arbiter.

Typical Audio Listening Room - Size B

Or in our sweet terms, take a stab at "Hi Fi Art." We could well return the favour. Adieu. - All there Is. - Makes the Finest. - Without Compromise.

JP 2014/01/19

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