Friday, February 5, 2016

Moiré in Thailand, Jaune in Isreal

Thailand is known for Norh Loudspeaker more than it is know for moiré or Morel.

In art, the Moiré effect is a visual perception that occurs when viewing a set of lines or dots that is superimposed on another set of lines or dots, where the sets differ in relative size, angle, or spacing.

Look at the moire on these set of Morels.

The moiré effect can be seen when looking through ordinary window screens at another screen or background.

These may be in Thailand, and Morels may indeed come from Israel, but what then come from Canada?

Let us see:


Octave was a wonderful invention, whether Persian (24), Arabic (16), Chinese (12), Egyptian (7) or Japanese (5).

You may combine this Morel Octave Loudspeaker with the lovely Octave Audio V80 SE Integrated Amplifier.

JP 2016/01/05

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