Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Campfire Audio Jupiter (and Lyra) Review

Get set on Mount Etna. (To be fair, we should also mention Schiller and Blake). There's nothing impressive about the Sennheiser HD-800 Headphone ($ USD) and the Campfire Audio Jupiter In-Ear Headphone ($ USD), but they do make a rather good pair.

You can wear one at home and one on the city. +

There's noting impressive about multi-driver in-ear (or on-ear) headphones, either, for that matter. wearing a multi-driver headphone like a Layla by JH Audio won't make you a DJ.

Quad BA is a particular arrangement. To have four BA's (Bachelor of Arts Degrees) is an arraigning possibility.

There is said in scholarly circles that a scholar only comes up every so often (maybe every 400 or so years).


One like Aristotle (384 BC), Goethe (1749 AD). That's a man.

One with dignity and a life's work which eclipses multiple men and is good for two generations of the average idiot savant (Wittgenstein). That's a man we admire. :) He had an Austrian factory behind him. Nice.

The Campfire Audio cable is rather nice on the Jupiter. We get that the logo is rising sun over the pyramid, though the pyramid is a little small. CA, like Certificate Authority.

You would most like the Lyra, which needs a black jacket, and looks impressive in person. It has a beryllium coated diaphragm. For a city walk, you really need both we'd say.

In Roman mythos, Jupiter was the God of Zeus. Rather Jupiter absconded with the Greek culture. The Romans had fantastic teachers for their gentlemen. Romans, though. :)

JP 2016/02/16

+ You can combine your Jupiter prudent purchase with the Lyra In-Ear Headphone ($ USD), also by Campfire Audio ($ USD, total).

Now Campfire Audio makes a good headphone.

DISSENT: Rather, one would get themselves the Fostex TH-600 Headphone ($ USD) and the Audeze LCD-3 Headphone ($ USD) to go with the Lyra and the Jupiter for the city, but then one would be without imaging. Such is the ru-san for the Sennheiser Job.

http://cdn1.bigcommerce.com/server2600/c3660/products/762/images/2800/jupiter_with_cable_1000x1000_1__56173.1455031292.1280.1280.jpg?c=2JP 2016/02/24

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