Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Calvali Audio Liquid Lightening 2T Vacuum Tube Electrostatic Headphone Amplifier

For the Stax 009 ($5,400.00 USD) enthusiast not many headphone amplifiers offer the opportunity that the Calvali Audio Liquid Lightening 2T ($2,499.50 USD 1/2) does.

Along with the Woo Audio WES ($4,990.00 USD), the many would say the Kevin Gilmore designed Blue Hawaii SE ($1,369.00 USD 1/4 $1,649.00 USD 1/4) by HeadAmp and certainly the Aristaeus Electrostatic Headphone Amplifier ($995.00 USD 1/4) by the same.

In music, ratios is an interesting predicomen. See Chapter 4, Page 88 of Justi Reifenbergi Emblema Polita for this latin word.

Did you mean: predicament

$2T is an interesting number. Rather, fractions thereof: 1/2 $1T, 1/4 $500B.

JP 2016/02/17

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