Tuesday, September 8, 2015

The Diner's Table: Boning

Shun Premier Boning KnifeWe've talk a lot about sex. Luckily, Crate and Barrel now carries not only the Shun Boning Knife, but also the Shun Blue Kiritsuke.

A miniature Katana, not really, the Kiritsuke never-the-less has a nice knife shape.

Shaped like a steak knife, you may wish to use the Shun Premier Boning Knife as a steak knife, to compliment your collection.

You may wish to compliment the Shun Premier Boning Knife with the Shun Premier Carving Fork at your setting.

We're strictly (largely) vegetarian.

The Fois Gais on your plate will respond to such a combination, and will happily replace the Shun Gentleman's Knife as a bit of a put.

It's a bit thin, but seeing it may get you some on-table or upstairs action.

With such a lovely image, this should really be a restaurant menu. We'll contact our Chef Georges to see what he can devise, but it's really best to do the job.

Le Maison De La Rochefoucauld

JP 2016/01/06

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