Friday, January 8, 2016

Hi Fi Marketing

   Take the Magico S1 Loudspeaker ($16,500.00 USD). It looks all right, but the regular person   
   wouldn't buy it. They wouldn't say it looks good, and wouldn't see the value ($16,500.00 USD).

They'd move on to the next one, which looks impressive.

Enter Hi Fi Marketing. Just look at those CAT Statement (Covnergent Audio Technology) Amplifiers ($ USD). They look impressive.

Used (shown) in a system, together, the buyer (viewer) is informed that the Magico S1 Loudspeakers ($16,500.00 USD) are something, by virtue of association.

They must be something, or why else would they be used with such illustrative products.

It's like it's the Lotus in the pond.

Now the carpet and the curtain looks off, and the doors could be of nice dark wood.

JP 2016/01/08

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