Monday, January 11, 2016

Bad News

The Apple iPhone 7 ($ USD - $ USD) is bad news for the headphone industry, or perhaps good news.

The first poor taste choice in digital music products was the move from headphone connector in the top to the bottom (a poor choice, ergonomically).

The removal of the headphone connector is also a poor (ergonomic and functional) decision.

The Lightening Connector is a terrible connector. It is less hardy than the previous Apple connector, and will sit woefully in the pocket.

That is, it will become damaged (the connector will snap) in the user's pocket. You can see the poor choice of the lightening connector already in the Apple iPad Pro (the pencil).

Audeze (BMW Design Works) use it as a model (wonderfully) for their Audeze EL-8 Open ($ USD) and Closed ($ USD) Headphones.

Sennheiser's Orpheus 2 ($ USD) already uses digital as a connector. On the original Orpheus it was shown that a direct digital connection to headphones is a poor choice due to the quality of the DAC included.

JP 2016/01/11

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