Tuesday, September 15, 2015

LiveStrong LS Pro 2 Treadmill Review

If you're a luminary, like US President Bill Clinton, the LiveStrong Fitness LS Pro 2 Treadmill is right for you.

400 lbs user capacity will handle most / many Americans.

The Passport integrated video graphics system will allow you to jog and reach your field objective.


Look how closely it fits to the floor. The extended incline / decline is one feature that many treadmills offer yet it will take away from your room height. Jogging at 30% is fun, yet jogging flat is prefect.

You will not be able to handle a run, like on most non-professional treadmills (10-12 mph), but a jog will be a pleasure. Look for 20-30 mph capacity if you favour a treadmill run. 9 mph looks fine, and actually look like a run to the person used to walking.

Consider giving the LiveStrong LS Pro 2 Treadmill a year, and see what it does for you. With a year's use, you may loose 80-90 lbs, and achieve optimum every-day fitness.

The doctor may find you with better heart capability, and this has to be about the best one on the market.

JP 2015/09/15

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