Thursday, September 3, 2015

Fashion Forward

Let's look at the Fiio Mount Blanc E12a Headphone Amplifier. As headfi products go, it's rather well-sculpted. You could almost say ubber-high-end if not for a few persnickety details. The shine on the top of the volume control knob. The off-mounting of the 1/8" audio jacks - due to circuit board mounting - relative to the case. The quality of the H/L gain switch vs. that of the Fiio Olympus. Comapred to the other Whisky Flask audio products, this is one of the more attractive.

Taking the soup analogy, before proceeding into fashion, let's take the E12A as the base, and move forward.

What don't we like? Well, the top could be flat (non-beveled) relative to the bottom. The addition of an iPhone 4 screen (LCD) on the top would be great.

You may contact Audioquest should you wish a finer solution.

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