Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Second Version

Often second versions lack the beauty of the original. Take Badoo, as of yesterday. Originally, they had a wonderful website. Then, like, they allowed feature creep to erode a fine interface design. Then, liking the Apple Watch, they changed the online interface to mimic it, reducing the volume of useful photos. Now, as of today, they have none of the original beauty left, in either app or web interface form. You are left with the ugliness of the faces.

We are reminded of Dallas, and the local jazz musicians who complained that he changed his musical influences and thus, swung less, or rather rather differently.

In online dating, and shopping for that matter, it is best if you are presented with an attractive product, whether or not the actual person or product is attractive. Then, you are turned on, and, when you have expended the energy to get to a meeting, you are more inclined to go through with the transaction and enjoy the sex, for the experience, than you would have you met in person.

It is different with regards to online marriage. There, you would likely want a person that you initially find (in person) suitably attractive to your total taste and assessment.

When we are talking of online marriage, we are talking about marrying someone you met online - the longer you chat prior to meeting, the greater distortion you will note between your mental image and the person in actuality, and when we are talking about transaction with regards to sex, we are of course talking of sex as the transaction.

JP 2015/09/16

Some will talk of buying sex online, and we will give no credence to them. They may have a rather fine.

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