Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Yulong Sabre DA8 II Review

For the hobby, this is about right. What could one do? One could encase the power supply in it's own compartment. On could cover the connectors, and individually pot the components, or sections of components.

On the manufacture side, what could one do? One could further shrink wrap the cables, and cover them in cables sheathes. One could "Rotel-ize" the transformer, to make it look more elegant.

For fun, one could Faraday case the board, although it's already well-shielded. Two little protective cases (ala the Le Son) would cute-er-ize the layout, making you wonder "What's down here." :)

The case we would say is "Going Gold" or Goldmund, rather.

There is bleed-through on the LCD, and a Windows 8 look (Boxes) could improve the look of the LCD interface.

JP 2015/08/18

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