Monday, August 31, 2015

Mojo Audio Mystique DAC: A Platform for Entertainment

Remember Mystique? That nude or semi-nude super mutant portrayed by ... in Marvel's "The Avengers?" Rember Triad, that high-end home theater oriented brand, popular with direct sales by Higher Fi? Now here's the Mystique by Mojo Audio - topless - employing none lesser than a Triad transformer and no less than twenty two capacitors along with twenty smaller brethren. Our eyes were first drawn to the 1980's style chip socketing (fantastic) and layout and then to the rather beefy (far more than one would expect) power supply. Note also the surface-mounted (more modern) USB interface card mounted to the main audio board, the nice looking resistors (well soldered) and the thick surface traces almost resembling roadways for your sound. Of particular interest besides the quality of the work (great RCA mounting and fantastic IEC setup: the only wires inside) is the seven (7) op-amps flush-mounted to the side of the case, for heat dissipation.

If Mystique is the super villain, who is the super hero? Well, the most direct comparison would be to Burson.Mystique DAC - Inside viewRemember Triad? Those home theater speakers that Higher Fi sold, currently carried by no less than Audio Perfection? Enter into the foray, Mojo Audio.

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