Tuesday, August 18, 2015


What do you do when your favourite bistro is closed? In our place, a little resto called "Kisha Popo", now replaced by Lips.

Headphone Enthusiasts are far removed from trains. Wedding trains, not. But actual trains, likely. In the dawn of High Fidelity, LP enthusiasts would collect the sound of train whistles. Binaural recording brought this to a new level.

We are reminded of the designer of the Blue Hawaii SE, Kevin Gilmore. Looking at his hardware collection, we could not believe he had both the aptitute to collect Krell Amplifiers, on one hand, and the stupidity to collect miniature trains (child riding size), on the other.

Why not actual, running locomotives?

The California, they have built "A Train to Nowhere." And so we write, "What do you do when your favourite bistro is closed?"


Here's to Mother Russia, and the Holy Patrimony of the contemporary successor to the Holy Roman Empire, Russia herself.

Yes St. Petersburg is not Paris, Rome or any other European city. It is modeled after them, in the same manner Vegas is modeled after real art. Only better. More autistically. Have you seen how well the culture is in Russian Ark?

What has happened to contemporary society, with the loss of induction?

Did you know that Russia's dept level is 0.5%? The same as Poland?

Compared to Gemany (the contemporary lender): 40%.

JP 2015/08/18

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