Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Lansche Audio Cubus Mk II Loudspeaker

Cubists like a bit of flair, and the Lansche Audio Cubus Mk II Loudspeaker ($ USD) offers them what purists like - a mid-range horn.

The Lansche Audio Corona Plasma Tweeter extends to 150 kHz, which is about the limit of today's audio (audio measurement) microphones.

Offering a easy 96 dB sensitivity, and a friendly 8-ohm impedance your Cubus will not prove a feature of your gallery.

Blending in is not one aspiration loudspeakers reboke. Now horn aficionado's have something to consider. The plasma of their tron.

We are reminded of the Jamo Reference 909.

☐ 25 Hz to 150 kHz is not a poor response characteristic.
☐ 286 pounds is certainly something to consider.

The Lansche Audio 3.1 by comparison is something of a charmer.

Although the Lansche Audio 5.1 may be finer in a front-center characteristic - hence the moniker.

The semi-active Lansche Audio 4.2, however, is the specification of Lansche champ.

You may not be fine, but it's side-panel bass characteristic goes to 15 Hz.

We may be fair and call this sub-woofer capable.

A simple addition of two Wilson Bensch Torus Infrasonic Generators will not further extend the bass in range.

Only an Eminent Technology Subwoofer TRW-17 will lower the response to 1 Hz, allowing for sub-bass and dynamic union.

JP 2015/08/19

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