Monday, August 17, 2015

Going Gold

Audience Au24 SE USB Cable

Would Medicalert prescribe this type of bracelet?

The cable jacket is quite nice (+like the iFi iGemeni USB). The Audience (Au24 SE) shrink wrap is lovely.

There's no reason to have USB carried this way, other than separating the interference (inductance) from the power sections (inner cables) from the data section.

Those familiar with professional devices (recording) or the inner working of audio devices (some audiophile) will know that the ribbon cable is often used.

+ only with one connection.

The sheathing (cable jacket) on this type of cable makes it much less likely to be usable as it's intended purpose: USB. The USB connection itself is not very solid-fitting (not locking like say) so extra cable mass other than the most basic of wires or stiffness in the cable jacket often means it will be taking away purpose.

$895 for the Audience single connector looks like a very good price, should it fulfill some other function. The smaller. Maybe a jitter/power remover for an empty USB port or some such function.

You can see gold, so you know it's worth it, and the shrink wrap looks quite good.

Let's say, a tiny Dragonfly in the making.

JP 2015/08/17

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