Saturday, August 15, 2015

Encounters of the Third Kind: The AKG K3003

Encounters of the Third Kind are a very special thing. When we asked our salesman about the 3003, he said that he had bought one for his brother. 1000 EU is a very special number. Of course, there is 2 500 EUR bills.

Every country should have a special currency. Canada should have $1000, $10,000, $100,000.00 and $1,000,000 bills. Paying 50 Bills is a bit much for an apartment. How is that for doing it? What would that do for appreciation?

We are reminded of "The Unbearable Lightness of Being," but it is only unbearable for some. The AKG K3003 is a wonderfully fine headphone. It has a terrible volume control (not needed), and the two driver-arrangement is done rather poorly. While we greatly prefer the Sennheier IE-800, there is something to be said for also having the 3003.Écouteurs K3003i AKG Écouteurs K3003i JP 2016/08/15

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