Monday, August 3, 2015

Dynaudio XEO 6

One thing you're lucky with Dynaudio, is they have a good tweeter. They have a good woofer, also. They're fast, and insightful.

The Dynaudio XEO 6 is the first option to really excite the Hi Fi community.


Now, there's nothing really so revolutionary about Wi-Fi, and there's nothing at all interesting about Dynaudio's choice and implementation from either a technological or social perspective, but it does present, for the first time, a wireless active speaker system, digital in nature (like Merridian's DSP system), but contoured for the every day home.

As such, it's very telling.

You don't really want those shiny tops on all of your speakers. A little black circle (the same effect) would do, in the upper-right corner of each one, say. The would reduce the structure of the cabinet.
As it is, it is unsightly.

It reminds the writer of Apple's iPad Cellular version. To review it for Hi Fi Art, he purchased it, rather than the Wi Fi model, as it was available. Upon opening the case, however, he could not believe how ugly it was, and how unsightly the cellular attachment to the case was in person.
The next day, he promptly returned it.

When choosing your loudspeakers, make sure your Hi Fi retailer has a good return policy. What you like in the showroom may not sound good (or prove a good aesthetic match) at home.

This White Dynaudio XEO look is very plain and nondescript. The cut to the side, at the front of the cabinet is nice, and the drivers are mounted nicely.

Those in the know, know that Dynaudio makes some good drivers and loudspeakers. Not just regular, or rather domestic, but also rather fine professional models. They are the simplest loudspeakers you could see. They are also some of the best.

Such is the case of the Dynaudio XEO 6 (and XEO 4). While the remote control is cheesy, as are the little boxes at the top of each speaker, they'll immediately prove their potency in your home.

It doesn't take some looking at those stands to know that they are a classy, competent and complete, thought out product.

While others wither, Dynaudio Delivers. Don't forget to add an XEO Hub and you're good to go.


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