Monday, August 17, 2015

Californian Unification: The Alaska Audio Show

Audiophiles must think "what, another audio show?"

With every show trotting out the same (this one's the Californian) audio, it's a continuous sales cycle.

There are some exceptions.

How does one get from Alaska to California? Well, a Lear ... Jet of course. Pictured here in a lovely picture of a Salvatore Feragamo scarf is the well accomplished Shanda Lear (daughter of Bill).

What is she pictured behind? Well, in front, one may see Advanced Transduction 14Hz–27kHz - about shiny enough - featuring 96 dB basic sensitivity.

You could cloth them in your wife's favourite fabric, minus port holes, which must be sewn in acoustic cloth, wide hemming, and then drape the lovely creatures.

Alternatively, you could give them a marble side or back (or any stone textile) front plate. The ports (for the drivers) must be given wide leverage, ala Duntech - to bar any unwarranted reflections and acoustic cloth must be well inserted at the holes - interiorly attached to oak baskets for the cloth.

We say Alaska, but really it's "I'll-Ask-A..." We say Californian re: Unification as in the extension of California, up into Alaska. Going through Washington State / BC. Ya Ya. We say Californian as opposed to California, however as for the dude's long hair - could also be Hawaii.

A good basic speaker deserves a good over-cloth.

We're only talking about four pieces of wood here.

JP 2016/08/17

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