Monday, August 10, 2015

Better Space

With the release of Marja & Henk's review of the Mola Mola amplifier ($15,000.00 USD), we feel the space the talk once again about specification.

pow web  In Hi Fi, this field has been largely lead for the past few
  years by Magico in the speaker field, and Mola Mola in
  the electronics realm.
  We'll get into Mola Mola further with a Kagula review.

  Product: Mola Mola Kalguga Monoblock Amplifer
  Price: $7,500.00 USD ea.
  Watts: 400
  S/N: 128 dB

Before Mola Mola caught our hearts and our minds, and Magico, our undaunted interest, the lowly CEntrance held our foray.

Michael Goodman

Lead by Michael Goodman, and indisputably designed for bottom of the heap, gigging musicians, or their cubicle-bound RETHX brethren, they provide those unable to afford Nagra, B&K, Neumann, or DPA products with hardy, Sure-level DA and AD in-line devices.

Take a mic like those of Earthworks, and a CEntrance ADC (MicPortPro, $ USD), and you'll have spectacular results. Not those on the level of John Atkinson, but very good.

What's the key with CEntrace?  Actually, better specs. Better space for music.
Better space.
Now this has something of a Dungeons & Dragons Eye of the Beholder feel.

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