Tuesday, August 18, 2015

AKG Q701 Headphone Review

Many headphone cables are too short. This is not the case of the AKG Q701. They will propel you into the realm of Quincy Jones.

Should you be a musician, they are about perfect for use in the studio. Should you be an amateur, also, they are the value leader in headphones, today.

We've written about the AKG K550 and K375 previously.

To the everyday folk, the Q701 are about perfect. Unobtainamists (archiver folk) might prefer to send them to a tailor, to have leather pads done for them. We'll get into that, further.

You'll find that for 99% of the population, music gets no better than the AKG Q701 with your average, every day stereo.

The wonderful thing for the rich (1% to use that moniker), is that for a pair of Sennheiser IE-800's you can have three sets of the Q701.

Quality control is strong at AKG. We've liked every sample we've yet found. Could Q be for Quality?
It's certainly ISO Strong.

NOW Arnold would get a head-rush. Rush comes out perfectly. Reeds and winds are fine as well, for the orchestral folks in the audience.

We find in our endeavour that it portrays 75% of the Sennheiser HD800 in terms of spaciousness. For people not requiring full binaural imagining or Magico Q5 like detail (there are some: most, in fact!), this is the very best headphone or home audio their money (low-cost) may obtain.

Product: AKG Q701 Headphones

Total Points:

AKG Q701 Headphones Review

JP 2015/08/18

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