Monday, June 29, 2015

Lio & Stitch: The Vinnie Rossi Integrated Amplifier

Our friend, Philip Meyburgh, founder of Fidelity Acoustics, once presented an integrated amplifier with a tubed output stage.

 It was a Rotel, if you can believe it. It was a joke, of course. A print advertisement he made for Hi Fi Center one April's Day on a lark. He had come from South Africa where he operated a chain of stores, moved to Vancouver, where he operated a designer boutique in Yaletown, and had then brought his unique brand of humour to Hi Fi Center, Vancouver's oldest and most premier dealer.

Philip's line of speakers would be a great match for the LIO.

The Vinnie Rossi LIO, on the circuit, looks very Rotel, with tubes of course. The headphone output jack is taken from the McCormack Micro Integrated Drive (MID) a product we recognize much. Having much of a mid-section, Red Wine and Angel Hair pasta come to mind, when we see the Vinnie Rossi beast.

Should you have a speaker like the Fidelity Acoustics RFM-1, 2 or 3 and wish a great match, sub of NAIM, we'd recommend you audition the Vinnie Rossie LIO Integrated Amplifier.

It's a bit much for our recent additions, the TEAC-S300-NEO, or the Mirage OMD-15 Loudspeaker.

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