Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Hi Fi Collector

Lastly, some provision must be made for the Hi Fi Collector. Here's a somewhat "Plum" 5th Avenue Residence of about 8000 sq. ft. While the living room is a bit narrow, it could still be used (22 ft would be a better lateral dimension / width), with the dining room and below, renovated for equipment storage.
Were this a home, and not a tower residence, the guest suite, staff room, dressing room, stairway section would likely be absent, to allow for a bold entrance. We like this layout for its gallery, adjacent to the living room, and the owner would likely appreciate the small library (and study) near the "front of house" - to the left of the gallery, adjoining the living room / listening hall.

Over 100 ft - you would need at least a 130ft wide lot - of Hi Fi holding area would be available with this conservative (1500 sq ft, storage) space arrangement, and you would be well served with a wider hall - now appropriate - also. Again, there would be 200 ft of wall space (100 ft along each wall of the storage area).

This would serve the needs of the middle-income / middle-interest Hi Fi stereo collector.

JP 2016/06/22

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