Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Beer in a Day

To do this, you will need some disenfranchisement.

Say, take a look at a new construction, such as a version of ... then, at the sales center, take a look at the models, and choose your unit.

It would help if there is something else that you are waiting for, that you will feel would complete you, which will help with the whole process.

To do this, you will need some free time. 2 pm until 2 am for the experience. Three days after for the sleep.

Start with Whisky.

Many in the restaurant business talk about pairing. That you should pair a certain alcohol with a certain food. It's quite nice, actually. We'd say, pair alcohol with alcohol. It's better, that way.

Now, choose your bar. It's better if it's a new one. If you're a drinker, you'd choose to start with the expensive stuff, and move down gradually to the cheap. We'd say, it's better the other way.

Start with something about 7 years, to just forget about anything hideous, and chase with a beer. Keep your beer consistent. Something like Alexander Keiths - if you're in a Newfie Bar. The concept is boiler-makers, but you'll be enjoying - tasting - your shot, no ice, in a whisky glass, and then following with the enjoyment of a good beer.

Just like a review, the concept is also competitive pairs, so take two breweries with similar names or similar statures from the same country, and get cracking - limit yourself, we'd say to 6 or 8 pairing.

So, you'll be drinking 12 to 17 beers, and 12 to 16 whiskies this way.

Then, should you notice that there be an office party, present, be sure to mix the fun with a few mixed drinks - blender specials - lousy annoying things - and be sure to mix with the locals / regulars, who you'll be seated.

You might notice a menu, also. If there's something that you haven't seen, try. You'll want to wash your visit down with some food for your walk out.

Say, a steak sandwich. You won't want the calories, but you will want to try the bugger.

Be sure to mix, and chat well. The night will cost you about $1500 USD, for light food and drink, if you're good with a budget. (Scottish).

Next, you'll want to wash out that taste of bar food with an actually good steak. Choose your top steak house, and something like a 17 oz fillet minion, medium rare. About three glasses of bold red wine will do - again, something cheap, but not tart, like Chilean.

After that, you will be happy, and you'll want to go high.

So by all means, wander, and let yourself discover something happy, like that high-end French restaurant you've been throwing away thousands at, without any good food, and limit yourself to a tasting of three small delights.

Then, you might want to try a Thai bar for a nicer seat, and gulp down some veggie juice.

Go Italian, ultra-high, but not ubber-hi, after that, for a desert.

Then, wander home, and treat yourself to a nice glass of champagne at a fancy bistro nearby and hop into sleep.

You'll have only consumed 12 to 17 beers, 12 to 16 shots of good whiskey (is that a bottle?), a few blended panty dropper tropical concoctions for the office ladies, 3 large glasses of wine, and one part flute.

We'd say it's qualitatively as good as a post-date 1 am to 2 pm sex experience, with a fine Japanese lady, in town for the day.

Occasionally, life will give you lemons, and it's good to blanch that with a good one from time to time. :)

JP 2016/06/13

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