Sunday, August 3, 2014


Tesla circa 1890.jpeg 
The Tesla Model S is a nice car, made for sex. That is, it's for couples and families, with middle-income. At $70,000 base, it has a nice computer.

The Tesla Model X, is more X-rated. That is, it's for proactive couples with up to 7 in their family. More that that, it has Gull Wing doors, and who doesn't want Gull Wing doors? :)

Nickoli Tesla was a great electrician, and we owe much in Hi Fi Art, to his purvue.

It's a nice treat that we can Harp on Tesla, and still find purvue in the accomplishments of Elon Musk.

"It's great to have you as our #2 begins." Rush Limbaugh.2014/08/28.

Tesla Model 'S

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